Improving gas production operations with

伍德 艺术大师® monitoring technology

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Project details
Project name:
艺术大师® Hydrate Blockage Prediction Model
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Key stats
Widespread deployment:
在过去的20多年里,已有100多套艺术大师系统应用于陆上和海上油气行业, 二氧化碳(CO2)封存和能源储存业务.
3 in 10 use 艺术大师:
Working with world's largest:

Significant end-user savings
使用艺术大师 Hydrate (ViHy)可为终端用户节省超过5亿美元的资本支出和每年5000万美元的运营支出, per development.

Featured fact:
The ViHy model, an application of 伍德 艺术大师 software, 世界上第一个工业级设计和操作数字孪生工具,用于天然气主导系统中的水合物风险量化,以及随后的设计和/或生产操作优化.

Hydrates pose costly challenges to operators

Within the upstream oil and gas industry, 在多相生产系统中,水合物有可能造成严重的堵塞, leading to the loss of production and revenue. Accounting for the necessary remediation activities, a single blockage event can cost millions of dollars.

In the face of such risk, 运营商倾向于极端保守的理念和程序, 例如,当单乙二醇(MEG)供应中断时,过量使用和批发生产停止, 即使在水合物成核的可能性很小或没有发生的情况下. Such strategies are forced by the absence of accurate, real-time, 具有水合物热力学和管道力学的操作知识.

Ensuring operational excellence with digital solutions

Application of real-time, 生产操作的多相模拟是Wood的一个特殊专业领域. 伍德 艺术大师 is a suite of software tools for robust, real-time management of oil and gas, CO2 and hydrogen pipeline and process systems. 高度灵活的软件提供了许多操作和商业功能,以帮助解决最复杂的收集, production, transportation and processing issues, customized to the unique challenges of our clients’ installations.

运营商使用艺术大师进行复杂的生产和隔离系统的在线和离线管理以及培训, what-if analysis, reliability and flow assurance. 艺术大师 provides vital monitoring and advisory functions, ensures operational integrity, enables production operations management and optimization, provides performance assessment and facilitates planning, forecasting and data analysis.

Partnering to improve efficiency and profitability

To tackle the problem of hydrates, Wood partnered with the University of Western Australia (UWA), 将艺术大师与西澳大学天然气优势体系的水合物动力学模型相结合. 由此产生的ViHy模型是世界上第一个用于生产作业的工业级设计和操作数字孪生工具,可以定量预测水合物形成和堵塞风险.

Hydrate kinetics

为了防止生产过程中形成水合物,世界各地每年投资数亿美元. 修复上游生产系统的水合物堵塞通常是一项昂贵且耗时的工作. Therefore, 正常的水合物管理策略围绕着完全避免水合物的形成, based on extremely conservative considerations.

In gas condensate systems, this often means that expensive chemicals, such as MEG, 在生产液中加入低剂量水合物抑制剂(LDHI)或甲醇,以防止水合物形成, 这些抑制剂的可用性通常被认为是生产的关键.

Currently, 水合物形成的危险因素无法通过工业级软件包进行定量分析, neither during design studies nor during operations. For the first time, ViHy模型允许工程师根据对水合物构成的真实风险的定量评估做出决策. 这对凝析油生产行业来说是一个巨大的机遇, 潜在的终端用户节省超过5亿美元的资本支出和每年5000万美元的运营支出, per development.

Additionally, 最近,我们利用ViHy模型对中东的一个大型天然气生产网络进行了水合物风险评估研究, 这帮助作业者实现了在油田生命周期内节省约1.25亿美元的潜在成本.

Industry recognized technology

Wood的艺术大师水合物堵塞预测模型入围了2023年海湾能源信息优秀奖最佳建模技术. 该奖项旨在表彰建模或仿真软件在优化工厂设计或工程以提高安全性方面的最佳应用, efficiency and profitability. The Gulf 能源 Excellence Awards program unites upstream, 中下游行业领袖欢庆创新, 前瞻性的思想家为能源领域带来尖端的技术进步.

Pictured from left to right in banner image: Azad Hessamodini, Executive President of Consulting at Wood; Eric May, CEO of the Future 能源 Exports Cooperative Re搜索 Centre and Professor at UWA; Miranda Taylor, CEO of the National 能源 Resources Australia (NERA); James Holbeach, Global Director of Production Optimization at Wood; Zachary Aman, 西澳大学教授,西澳大学工程学院数学和物理科学研究委员会主席



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